User identity is did by SDK on background. Protection from data manipulaton is solved by SDK.

Asset Management using Class GarterAssetsManagement.

1. Initialization of GameArter Asset management:


public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	GarterAssetsManagement AM = new GarterAssetsManagement();

Available requests:

1. Posting new asset

Allow to post new asset on server.

Using GarterAssetsManagement.PostOpt type for setting post options

    GarterAssetsManagement.PostOpt keys:
  • .assetId | id of asset. If it is new assset created from 0, set to 0. If the asset was created on basis of previous asset, set assetId of original asset.
  • .name | name of the asset
  • .img | image of the assets
  • .metaData | additional specification according to which there is possible to filtrate. It can be e.g. game mode for which the asset is available.
  • .data | data file of the asset
  • .accessability | accessability of the asset
    • .PUBLIC | everyone can see the asset and use it (e.g. use map for creating public room).
    • .PRIVATE | onlz creator see the asset and can use it (e.g. use map for creating public room).
  • .cloneable | Permission to clone the assset to own inventory
    • .NO | no permission to clone the asset
    • .YES | anybody can clone the asset to own inventory

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CreateAndPostNewAsset(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.PostOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.PostOpt ();
		po.assetId = 0; // is extension of asset (0= totally new asset) = "My map"; // set map name
		po.img = null; // set map img (no image)
		po.metaData = "zombie"; // for option of additional filtration = "asset in string format"; // data
		po.accessability = GarterAssetsManagement.Accessability.PUBLIC;
		AM.Post (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets); // Post asset on server, return callback to CallbackFunctionForAssets

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			uint assetId = responseData.assetId; // assetId of inserted asset
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// data manipulation or server error. Asset was not saved.

2. Getting list of available assets

Allow get list of assets on basis of selected preferences.

Using GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt type for setting get options

    GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt keys:
  • .GetRequest | sets type of required response. set .LIST.
  • .accessability | accessability of requested assets
    • .ALL | Get all assets a user has access to.
    • .PUBLIC | Get only assets with state public.
    • .PRIVATE | Get only assets with state private.
  • .metaData | additional specification according to which there is possible to filtrate. If is not empty, only assets with set metaData will be returned.
  • .orderBy | order selection of results
    • .RATING
    • .CREATED
  • .limit | maximum number of results to return

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void GetListOfAssets(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt ();
		po.dataType = GarterAssetsManagement.GetReq.LIST; // list of maps
		po.accessability = GarterAssetsManagement.Accessability.ALL; // all assets a user can use
		po.metaData = "zombie"; // load only assets with metadata zombie
		po.orderBy = GarterAssetsManagement.OrderBy.RATING_DESC; // list of best
		po.limit = 30; // load list with maximum number of 30 results
		AM.Get (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			List< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetListMember > listOfAssets = responseData.list;
			if (listOfAssets != null) {
				Debug.Log ("--- List of assets ---");
				for (int i = 0; i < listOfAssets.Count; i++) {
					Debug.Log ("assetId: " + listOfAssets [i].assetId);
					Debug.Log ("asset name: " + listOfAssets [i].name);
					Debug.Log ("asset votes: " + listOfAssets [i].votes);
					Debug.Log ("asset rating: " + listOfAssets [i].rating);
					Debug.Log ("asset downloads: " + listOfAssets [i].downloads);
					Debug.Log ("asset cloneable: " + listOfAssets [i].cloneable);
					Debug.Log ("asset created: " + listOfAssets [i].created);
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// data manipulation or server error. Asset was not saved.

3. Getting certain asset

Allow get certain asset on basis of its assetId.

Using GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt type for setting get options

    GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt keys:
  • .GetRequest | sets type of required response. set .FILE.
  • .assetId | set certain assetId

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void GeAssetToLoad(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.GetOpt ();
		po.dataType = GarterAssetsManagement.GetReq.FILE; // get 1 asset
		po.assetId = 1; // dwnload data of assetId 1
		AM.Get (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			uint assetId = responseData.assetId;
			GarterAssetsManagement.Cloneable clonePermission = responseData.cloneable;
			string assetData =;
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// Server error or user has no permission to get the asset.

4. Updating certain asset

Allow get update attribute of certain asset.

Using GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt type for setting update options

    GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt keys:
  • .assetId | set id of asset which has to be updated.
  • .UpdateType | set what attribue has be updated
    • .FILE
    • .NAME
  • .data | new name / accessability state / cloneability state | file. Use .ToString() for accesability and cloneability
  • .img | new asset image. (Available for .FILE updateType only.

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void UpdateName(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		po.updateType = GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateType.NAME; // what is need to update. = "New Asset name";
		AM.Update (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

	private void UpdateFile(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		po.updateType = GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateType.FILE; // what is need to update. = "New file";
		AM.Update (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

	private void UpdateAccessability(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		po.updateType = GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateType.ACCESSIBILITY; // what is need to update. = GarterAssetsManagement.Accessability.PUBLIC.ToString();;
		AM.Update (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

	private void UpdateCloneability(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		po.updateType = GarterAssetsManagement.UpdateType.CLONEABILITY; // what is need to update. = GarterAssetsManagement.CLONEABILITY.YES.ToString();;
		AM.Update (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			uint assetId = responseData.assetId; // assetId of updated asset
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// data manipulation or server error. Asset was not updated

5. Duplicate asset

Duplicates asset of certain id to the user's inventory

Using GarterAssetsManagement.DuplicateOpt type for setting update options

    GarterAssetsManagement.DuplicateOpt keys:
  • .assetId | set assetId of duplicated asset

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void GeAssetToLoad(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.DuplicateOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.DuplicateOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		AM.Duplicate (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			uint assetId = responseData.assetId; // assetId of updated asset
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// data manipulation or server error. Asset was not updated

6. Delete asset

Removes asset of certain id from the user's inventory

Using GarterAssetsManagement.DeleteOpt type for setting update options

    GarterAssetsManagement.DeleteOpt keys:
  • .assetId | set assetId to be deleted from user's inventory

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void GeAssetToLoad(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.DeleteOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.DeleteOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		AM.Delete (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			uint assetId = responseData.assetId; // assetId of deleted asset
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// data manipulation or server error. Asset was not updated

7. Rate asset

Rate asset of certain id

Using GarterAssetsManagement.RateOpt type for setting update options

    GarterAssetsManagement.DeleteOpt keys:
  • .assetId | set assetId to be deleted from user's inventory
  • .value | rating value 0 - 100%

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour {
	private void GeAssetToLoad(){
		GarterAssetsManagement.RateOpt po = new GarterAssetsManagement.RateOpt ();
		po.assetId = 1;
		po.value = 100; // 0- 100% | li like/dislikes -  100% / 0%
		AM.Rate (po, CallbackFunctionForAssets);

Callback format:

public class SomeClass : MonoBehaviour { // Example script for working with data
	private void CallbackFunctionForAssets(){
		if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (www.error)) { // ok
			GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat responseData = Garter.I.FromJson< GarterAssetsManagement.AssetsCbFormat > (www.text);
			uint assetId = responseData.assetId; // assetId of rated asset
		} else {
			Debug.LogError (www.error);
			// data manipulation or server error. Asset was not rated